Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Marathon Momma

Do I dare even type this post? Do I put into words the goals I have made for myself? Do I tell you what I want to do? Yes, even though you're going to think I am crazy, I'll tell you!

Starting on Monday (June 1) I begin training for my first marathon--The Grand Rapids Marathon on Sunday, October 18. I have found a beginner's 20 week training schedule and while I know that this is going to take commitment and at times, it will suck, I think I can do it! How? Well, my running partner for two runs a week will be my best friend--Eric and I are going to run together with a goal of training and then completing this together. It doesn't matter how fast we do it or even if we have to stop and take breaks, but just that we did it. I am super excited. The other way that I know this can be done is because we are putting our money where our mouth is--to train together we are committing babysitting money towards our weekly long runs and I even have a tentative yes from our babysitter. The other run we do together will be only Yoli's day so she will watch the kids while we do a few miles. The other two days Eric and I are on our own (and I already have a 2x/week trip to the gym). I feel as though I have planned this well.

BUT (notice it's a big but) I doubt my ability to do this. I'm a great starter and planner, lousy follow-througher.  I'm great with goals, but also a little hard on myself if I fall through. I ask myself all sorts of random questions. Like, I know I'm strong (I've delivered three kids and completed most of a triathlon), but am I strong enough for this? Can my body do this? Will I have enough energy to run and then also complete the normal tasks of my everyday life? Can I get past this "high" of planning it and on to the reality of doing it? Do I really want to work this hard? It's not an easy task, but is it worth it? Really, I am a quitter, but can I not quit on this one? Do I really want to run for 4 hours (at my running pace today, I could complete a full marathon in 4:20)? Am I nuts? 

I'm not asking these questions to get a giant pat on the back (although that would be nice) but because I want people to know, to ask how its going, to encourage me, to hold me accountable,  to maybe even volunteer for some childcare duty so it doesn't cost so much. 

As part of my training, I think I am going to post recaps of weeks of training. It will give me something to look at encourage me, but also a record of what I've done and a reminder of where I am going. Starting Monday, I'm running 4 days a week (next week 11 miles--not much for some, but it seems a lot for me!) 

Hey anyone want to join me? 

1 comment:

Casey, Annie, Brooklyn, Paige and Casey 5 said...

I'll be happy to heckle you if that will help :-D I think it is a fabulous goal...I would really love to complete one myself one day. You can do it!!! Now get off your computer and go running!