Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Now what?

Today, I crossed another item off my non-existent bucket list: I submitted a completed (93,500 word) fiction manuscript. I feel like I've been working at this for the past few months. And in reality, since October 15, when the editor first asked for a sample, this manuscript is where every extra bit of effort, imagination, and time has gone.

This afternoon I sent in my manuscript.

I smiled widely and then took a minute to congratulate myself.

But what am I going to do now?

My Top 10 list of things to do now:
10) Pinterest: maybe now I'll have time to actually make a crafty thing (maybe not!)
9) Laundry.
8) Write more blog posts.
7) Read a good book--haven't read a good one in months. I need to read a good story.
6) Spend quality time with my kids, as in not say to them "figure it out yourself" or "you're hungry? I'm sorry"
5) Beuker school is back in session.
4) Check my email every twenty minutes waiting for a word from the editor or our adoption social worker.
3) I'm sure there some new website that I can waste more and more hours on...
2) Sleep. I am going to sleep because I won't be dwelling on the scenes I have to edit or the characters I have to develop or the description I have to add.

Yep, I'm going for nothing.

Maybe next week I'll start on my second book. ;)

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